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7 2 n d S t r e e t...

As of X-Mas Day 2002, this tripod site for the 72nd Street band is no longer maintained. Please update your bookmarks to go to instead! You will find everything you are looking for and some more in that location! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

We have got a new domain This domain currently forwards to this same tripod page but the new design is currently underway and the LIVE date set for the new design is December 25th.  Please update your bookmarks accordingly. Merry Christmas to all our fans and supporters.

The concert show at Bellevue University was grand success. We all really enjoyed playing there. The pictures of the show will be at the NNS website ( The plan is underway to have our own domain name and a complete redesign of our website. All the information will be posted here once everything is finalized.

We are performing LIVE on stage on the occassion of "Dashain Tihar Saanjh 2002" at Bellevue University Auditorium on November 2nd, 2002. The show starts at 6:15. We will be playing 6 songs all together including an instrumental.
This show will also introduce our new band member line up on stage by our band manager Resham Thapa. Hope to catch you there..

We are almost ready to reveal our brand new line up in the band. We have now 6 active members and 2 inactive members in our band. We met Sunday September 8th and started our practice. We are meeting every sunday at 2:00 PM to practice the new songs for our upcoming performance at the Dashain Tihar Saanjh 2002, Bellevue, Nebraska. We are also planning to have our own domain name soon. We will have the details at this site once everything is finalized.
The band is currently being reorganized. We are thinking of having some more key players in the band. Once it's official, the information will be posted to this website. Please check photos link for ANA Convention pictures.

Live at B.U. Auditorium
From L to R: Anu(Keyboard), Ben(drums), Binod(Leads), Sunil (Percussion), Amod(Bass), Goma(Rhythm)

Our new Band Line-up is as follows:
Amod Baiju:
Back Vocals, Bass Guitar
Anurakta: Vocals, Piano/Keyboard
Ben Sharma:
Binod Baiju: Back Vocals, Lead Guitar
Goma Sharma: Vocals, Rhythm Guitars
Sunil Khanal: Vocals, Percussion
Resham Thapa: Band Manager/Co-Ordinator
Founder Members (currently inactive):
Prakash Bajracharya: Leads
Roshan Bista: Vocals, Rhythems